
Master of Research in Dynamic System and Signals


ISTIA/LISA - Industrial Systems Engineering School | Angers - FR (Oct. 2010 - Aug. 2011)


  • Key Courses: image processing, signal processing, statistical processing of information, robotics, virtual reality
  • Project: state of the art of image interpretation by topologic and photometric a priori informations (150h)
  • Mini project: aesthetic qualification of rosebush (balance, compacity, homogeneity) by video processing on turntable (15h): part of the phenotyping project PHENOTIC

Detail of the mini project


We propose morphometric descriptors for rosebush esthetic qualification purpose:

  • balance
  • compacity
  • homogeneity

The aim is to develop, from courses knowledges, morphometric descriptors by contour-based or region approch in order to quantify an psychosensorial analyse.


Screenshot of software for rosebush or plant inclination and compacity computing

The results obtained from a package of images are signifiant. Because of the inclination about 60° the rosebush is shapeless and as it is not compact (only 33%) leaves could be considered sparse. This analyse quantify psychosensorial intuition that we could get by watching the above image.