L3i - Laboratory of Computer science, Image and Interaction | La Rochelle - FR (October 2011 - December 2014)
CVC - Computer Vision Center | Barcelona - ES (November 2012 - December 2014)
- State of the art of color image segmentation, characterization and indexation
- Journal publication and scientific conferences (publication list)
- Application : application to detection and recognition of complex object from digitalized comic books
Web site
http://l3i.univ-larochelle.fr/Rigaud-Christophe,684.htmlResearch interests
- Computer vision
- Document analysis and understanding
- Text/graphic separation
- Object detection
- Data mining
Related conferences
- ICDAR (International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition)
- GREC (International Workshop on Graphics Recognition)
- CVPR (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)
- ICIP (International Conference on Image Processing)
- DAS (International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems)
- ECCV (European Conference on Computer Vision)
- ICCV (International Conference on Computer Vision)
- ICPR (International Conference on Pattern Recognition)
- ICPRAM (International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods)
- JCLD (Joint Conference on Digital Libraries)
- VISAPP (International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications)
- PRMU (Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding)
- WSCG (International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision)
Related journals
- MTA (Multimedia Tools and Applications), Springer
- IJDAR (International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition), Springer
- IJCV (International Journal of Computer Vision), Springer
- PAMI (Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence), IEEE Computer Society
- PR (Pattern Recognition), Elsevier
- PRL (Pattern Recognition Letters), Elsevier
- AJIS (American Journal of Intelligent Systems)
- IJIP (International Journal of Image Processing), CSC journals
Working tools
- LaTeX, LibreOffice: document preparation (article, slideshow and poster)
- GitHub: scientic productions management and sharing (article, poster, presentation, code, demonstrator)
- Mendeley: library and reference manager
- Thunderbird: email and agenda
- Skype: visio conference
- IPython notebook: laboratory notebook and interactive computing
- OpenCV, JAI, PIL, ImageMagick, ImageJ, Gimp: image processing